Chris is a self-published author who has Asperger's Syndrome. He has worked hard to fit into a world that often doesn't understand who he is. His interest in drawing and creating stories began in childhood as a way to be in a world that was safe for him. He wrote his first book, Dotty's Freckles, to inspire people who have a disability and wants to send a message that they are exceptional. He believes that it is important to be who you are and not allow others to treat you differently from anyone else. Chris is continuing to create stories that utilize original characters who understand what it means to be exceptional to create his ABLE Universe.

Get to know more about Chris and follow his journey across his social media platforms.





Dotty always struggled with the way she looked. But what would happen if she found a friend that looked just like her? Join Dotty on her journey as she learns about herself and makes a new friend along the way.